Lavender essential oil is known the world round for its gorgeous scent and calming properties.

It’s made by extracting oil from the small clusters of vibrant violet-coloured flowers that grow on the top of lavender stalks.

People have been using it for centuries to help people sleep and relax, as well as in perfumes, cosmetics and other herbal remedies.

What is lavender essential oil used for?

Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils used worldwide.

There are lots of reasons why people choose to use it, but here are the most popular lavender oil benefits:

  1. It can help you feel calm

People often use lavender essential oil when they are feeling anxious, e.g. sniffing some lavender from a handkerchief before having to do a speech or have an important doctor’s appointment.

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Studies have shown that using lavender oil regularly can help keep you calm and combat a low mood.

  1. It could help you sleep

Lavender oil is probably best known for helping people to sleep – pillow mist ring a bell?

Research suggests that inhaling lavender oil before you sleep could can help improve your sleep quality.

  1. Sends bugs packing

Lavender contains linalool and camphor, which some bugs really don’t like including ants, mosquitos, wasps, flies and moths.

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How to make homemade lavender oil

First, let’s list a few things that you’ll need to make lavender oil.

  • A large jar (for the infusion)
  • Lavender (cut and dried)
  • A carrier oil (olive oil or mineral oils)
  • Cheesecloth or muslin (for straining)
  • A bottle or glass container (for storage)

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