essential oils for female hygiene

Here are 5 essential oils that are suitable for intimate area hygiene and odour:

1. Tea tree oil

This essential oils antibacterial and antifungal characteristics play a major role in its popularity in the treatment of common illnesses. Dilute 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil with one cup of warm water and rinse the outside of your vaginal area with it. This will also help control yeast infections. Use this oil once a day for a week if you have any infection.

2. Lavender oil

Lavender pleasant-smelling oil works wonders for bacterial infections and as a vaginal deodorizer. Use it as a vaginal wash after taking a shower by combining 1–10 drops with 1 tablespoon of witch hazel and 200ml of water.

lavender massage oil

3. Oregano oil

Yeast infections and persistent odours can both be effectively treated with oregano oil. Making a spray out of this essential oils and applying it topically is the easiest method to use it. Or you may also add water and combine it.

4. Coconut oil

Since ancient times, this is the go-to oil for all skin troubles. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antifungal, and antibacterial. It can also fight urinary tract infections as well as yeast and drug-resistant infections in the intimate area. Just dab a very small amount outside the intimate area.

5. Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is great for treating vaginal odour naturally. Just mix 2-5 drops in about 200 ml of water and spray on the outside of the vaginal area post-showering.

Word of caution: Before using these essential oils, always consult with your doctor. Also, in case, if you have an infection that is causing itching, burning, pain during sexual intercourse, etc. then also consult your doctor immediately.

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