What is patchouli oil?

As the name suggests, patchouli essential oil is an oil that’s extracted from the leaves of the patchouli plant, using a process known as steam distillation.

Due to its musky, non-overpowering scent, it’s widely used in soaps, perfumes, detergents, cosmetics and deodorants.

It’s also used in aromatherapy and as a common fragrance for incense and candles.

Interestingly, the patchouli plant doesn’t smell of anything; it’s odourless. It’s the distillation process that gives patchouli essential oil its distinctive scent.

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8 patchouli oil uses

Patchouli oil is used for all sorts of different things.

  1. In perfumes and fragrances – when combined with a carrier oils, patchouli oil makes a wonderful natural fragrance. And, as mentioned a bit further up, it’s found in all sorts of manufactured scents too.
  2. Cosmetics – the pleasant, musky scent of patchouli oil means it can be found in abundance in many cosmetic products too. You can also, providing you don’t apply it to your skin neat, make your own for soothing and beautifully-smelling products. For instance, mix five drops of patchouli oil and five drops of frankincense oil together with a cup of argan oil and apply to your face after cleansing. You will instantly feel calmer and your skin will feel smoother.
  3. Soaps and detergents – liquid and bar patchouli soaps, washing products and other detergent-type products, all smell fabulous with a drop or two of patchouli oil. Once again, don’t be afraid to make your own versions, but make sure you dilute the patchouli with other complementary oils etc.
  4. Aromatherapy – patchouli essential oil can be inhaled. Simple sprinkle a few drops of the oil on to a cloth or tissue or use an aromatherapy patchouli diffuser or vaporiser or patchouli incense.
  5. Topical application – always apply diluted patchouli to avoid skin irritations and any allergic reactions or medical issues from occurring.
  6. In baths – when combined with a carrier oil, such as jojoba, sweet almond or avocado, patchouli essential oil can be applied directly to the skin or sprinkled into baths.
  7. On your nails – due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, patchouli oil is great for nail health. Restore brittle, uneven nails by soaking your nails in this solution for at least 15 minutes – four drops of eucalyptus essential oil and four drops of patchouli oil. 
  8. On your hands – patchouli can potentially work wonders for cracked skin. Give this healing hand salve a try. Mix all of these ingredients together in a blender and work into your skin for instant nourishment: 
  • 1/16th of a cup of beeswax
  • 1/4th of a cup of coconut oil
  • 1/4th of a cup of safflower oil
  • 1 tablespoon of castor oil
  • 1 teaspoon of Vitamin E
  • 8 drops of patchouli essential oil
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil

Note – ingesting or consuming patchouli oil can have serious side effects.

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  • There are lots of different uses for patchouli oil
  • It can be found far and wide in cosmetic products, soaps, perfumes and fragrances
  • It’s also used in aromatherapy and can be applied topically (if diluted first)

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