
Showing 73–82 of 82 results

  • rosehip seed oil

    Rosehip Seed Oil


    Rosehip seed oil or rosehip seed carrier oil is obtained from the rosehip, the part left after the rose has flowered. It has several uses but is most commonly used in skincare. Once it was found that the oil from the seeds of the rose was highly beneficial, its demand skyrocketed.

  • neem oil benefits

    Neem Oil

    Neem oil, is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of the neem (Azadirachta Indica). It is the most important of the commercially available products of neem, and its chemical properties have found widespread use in medicines and as a pesticide in organic farming.

  • menthol crystal benefits

    Menthol Crystal

    Menthol Crystals are made from the essential oil of mint plants.  Peppermint oil is distilled and purified to create the menthol crystals that we use today. Menthol has a strong, minty aroma and a cooling sensation when applied to the skin.

  • geranium oil benefits

    Geranium Oil

    Pelargonium distillates and absolutes, commonly known as “geranium oil”, are sold for aromatherapy and massage therapy applications. They are also sometimes used to supplement or adulterate more expensive rose oils.

  • garlic oil benefits

    Garlic Oil


    Garlic oil is the volatile oil derived from garlic. It is usually prepared using steam distillation and can also be produced via distillation using ether. It is used in cooking and as a seasoning, a nutritional supplement, and also as an insecticide. Same as cinnamon oil.

  • Cinnamaldehyde uses


    Cinnamaldehyde is an important flavoring in foods (e.g., candy and cookies) and an odorant for perfumes. It has also been used to repellent mosquitoes. Because it exists naturally, it is suitable for organic agriculture.

  • cineole benefits


    Natural plant-based 1,8-Cineole has multiple uses such as that of a food additive, flavoring agent, cosmetic agent and pharmaceutical agent.

  • angelica oil benefits

    Angelica Oil

    Angelica root oil stimulates the body’s immunity, fights against infections, and detoxifies the body. It has a sweet and spicy aroma and is also used in cooking as a flavoring agent.

  • golden jojoba oil benefits

    Golden Jojoba oil

    Golden jojoba oil is obtained from the Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinensis) .  It is used for skin care and hair care.

  • orange essential oil

    Orange Essential Oil


    Orange oil is a popular essential oil that is extracted from the peel of Citrus sinensis. Orange essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy, perfumery, and as a flavoring agent in food and beverages.